Join the Green Bitcoin Revolution

Where cutting-edge cryptocurrency

meets renewable energy for a better tomorrow

Ready, Set, Mine!

Begin with just $100

and learn alongside our community of miners

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Meet the Team

John Paul Baric

Bitcoin Minder

Bought bitcoin at $70 a coin and have been building and learning about the energy and bitcoin mining space since 2013. Currently have 29MWs of Mining Capacity under management with

Jeremy Lane

COO - MiningStore

11+ years as IT Manager and Network Engineer, with 4 years in machine operations. Expert in LAN/WAN, Cisco infrastructure, and data center management. Certified in CCNA, BISCI ICT Design, and Data Center Management. BV employee not on payroll.

Andrew Edmonds

CRO - MiningStore

Over 10 years in Customer Success & Sales across Financial Services, Ad Tech, Construction, and Bitcoin Mining. Proven leader in scaling teams and driving growth, with expertise in Sales, Success, Support, and Operations. BV employee not on payroll.

Tawny Crabb

Regional Director of Site Operations - MiningStore